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Ex Covert Cadet (24th-26th March)

Seven members of 203 Squadron donned the old style DPM and desert patterned kit in order to play ‘enemy forces’ for an Army cadet squadron on one of their field training exercises.

The exercise, called Ex Covert Cadet, was held at Swynnerton training area near Stone, Staffordshire. Twenty-one cadets attended the weekend where their skills and drills were tested during stands specifically designed to assess their basic close combat skills (BCCS), orders groups, recce patrols, ambush drills, navigation, and night patrolling.

Sergeant Hall (Cadet Instructor), who is now a Pte Soldier within 203 Squadron, was the lead for the cadet weekend and worked closely with 203 Squadron in order to integrate the two weekends and ensure that the exercise ran smoothly for both parties.

Captain Wing led the participants from 203 Squadron whilst operating as enemy forces himself. 203 Squadron had to conduct and practice the same skills and drills as the cadets whilst operating as enemy in order to make the training exercise as realistic and beneficial as possible. Part of the scenario was to conduct enemy tasks at set grid locations throughout the weekend in order for the cadets to recce or attack. There was an abundance of blank ammunition, smoke grenades, and plenty of fire power which led to the culmination of the training weekend.

Words from Pte Dixon who attended the weekend as Enemy:

“We were tasked to play a mock enemy force called the ‘Extreme Independent Army’ which was to simulate one of the various roles that can be taken up by personnel in a combat environment. We were provided with equipment such as weapons, blank ammunition, CWS (night sights), binoculars, and mixed camouflage dress to simulate varying bits of kit that could be acquired by an enemy force in order to carry out their missions.

Our base location for the duration of the exercise was an old building shell that had four concrete walls and a roof, just enough cover to pass off as a potential enemy location.

In addition to aiding the cadets with their weekend, we were also using it as a training opportunity ourselves so individuals were tasked with positions of responsibility such as troop commander in order for them to practice giving orders and so they could test their command and control abilities.

It was a good weekend and the weather was really sunny which was great. I’m certain the cadets enjoyed it and hopefully they learnt a lot from the exercise”

A fantastic training weekend for all involved!


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